Monday 2 September 2013

Children Of The World

Parents underestimate the importance of their PRESENCE in their children's lives. We think money and providing is the GOD of existence, when the REAL essence of bringing forth children is to love, nurture and simply being there for them. To the little people attention and affection is heavenly . And most importantly, LOVE'S PRESENCE is the main ingredient for the upbringing of the young souls. There's NO-THING that can replace that...Before we know it they GROW UP feeling neglected, insecure, abandoned and unloved. This can be avoided when selfishness is out of the picture.
For a better life, families separate in the name of materialism. Will humanity wake from slumber? Decisions we make have great impact on the people in our lives, especially ones closest to us. My question today is; " Is  it all worth it when families are destroyed and then suffers immensely ?" What are the benefits for when Mommy or Daddy leave their children behind for a BETTER LIFE? I am not referring to parents going out daily to work, I am referring to parents who migrate especially when the children are very young.. Children become confused and are usually traumatized by this.   The decisions we make to achieve a "BETTER LIFE" is often times for the worse. If we can't be there for the little people, perhaps we need to stop inviting them here in the first place. As always, " let thy conscience be thy guide."  Claiming a divine present and future for God's Children.

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