Tuesday 25 February 2014

Life of Love

Jamaica is a trip. My question today is: "WHAT WON'T A COUNTRY DO FOR MONEY?" For sooooo long people in Jamaica have suffered intensely in the name of MARIJUANA. Families have been torn apart because of babylon's ignorance to the Spiritual Essence of Marijuana. Actually it is because of the potency of Cannabis why there has been such a struggle. Fear has captured the minds of man in a way that is undeniably detrimental to the self and others. Men and women have been arrested and tortured in the name of GANJA. How does one justify harassment and abuse regarding something that is naturally grown?  It is CANNABIS SATTIVA that has made it possible for endless of children to go to school. It is without a doubt a DIVINE plant, a NATURAL PLANT as a matter of fact; given as a  gift to mankind from the CREATOR! Millions benefit daily from Cannabis, not just educationally but also emotionally, physically and most of all spiritually.
The so called leaders in Jamaica and worldwide may want to consider a written and a public apology to all persons who have suffered unfairly in the name of a HOLY PLANT! Again I say: " WHAT WON'T A COUNTRY DO IN THE NAME OF MONEY?" When will man see that the fight for what is ordained will always be in vain? Life of Love is CANNABIS SATTIVA! No matter what no one says or feels.- Count Ossie Pickney. Selah.

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