Tuesday, 27 May 2014


Wishing the wicked well,as they plot & plant the
next bomb. Mind explosion is the lifestyle of the wretches
and parasites on the Earthly plane. Wishing the wicked.
well. As they smile in your face and stab you in your
veins. Sorrow peeps  from their breaths, for distrust
and fear is all they have left. Annoyed by the moon's glow,
Divine sky juice from above drives them nuts, the purity 
of Mother Nature's womb is forbidden in their soul-less land..Wishing the wicked well. As the rising  Sun awakes, this they hate, for light is a nuisance for nothing can be hidden within its presence. Laughter is a scream to their deaf ears. Wishing the wicked well. Running through the fields of insanity,starving for purpose, craving for true life. Wishing the wicked well for right now is a nightmare to them. They know no other way of being. WAR is all they own. On going illusion, the feast. so today I am Wishing the wicked well, for the constant reminder, that LOVE is Life's Best Friend! So once more, I must Give Thanks & Praise for you've proven to I an I that the breath of Life and Death is beyond powerful and every moment is full of grace.Wishing the wicked well; Thank You for teaching me to see beauty in the ugly. For the truth remains that, it is Humanity that is The Creators-Irators of all things; the good, the bad. the pretty,the ugly, the ebb & the flow.The tears, the smiles, the sweet, the bitter, the hot, the cold. So today I am inspired to wish the wicked fare-well for all they have done! I am renewed and strengthened by all you've shown me
and taught me and most importantly, for making I an I aware of all
that I AM NOT! Wishing the WICKED WELL! Liberty Prevails!
The Eternal Song of Grace never fades.

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Nigerian Children Prayer

Let us pray for the lives of our children and the parents of the princesses kidnapped in Nigerian 2014.

May the power of LOVE raise above all the filth that surrounds us  May the doors of justice permeate the very atmosphere. May the sound of grace take full control of our hearts and minds now and eternally. May victory be sooner than later, today not tomorrow. May this experience teach us what is important and bare rewards unimaginable. May our children be strengthened and be protected by the PRESENCE OF DIVINE LOVE. May the intervention of the MOST HIGH uproot all garbage from the mind of humans. And may LIGHT burn the fog soul-less minded serpents now and fuhivah more! May the med-hightation of I  heart and the silence in I Soul and the words, cries and tears of the Nigerian Children be heard and blissfully accepted by the CREATOR OF LIFE! 

Give Thanks & Praise!

Children of JAH

How devious it must be for a mother,guardian and father who's child has been taken away; not by free will, but by force. How wicked it must be to their hearts, minds and Soulz to bare such an over weight cross.
How traumatic and maddening it must be not to see, feel, nurture, protect your living child because of  senseless, heartless,soul-less invaders, kidnappers. How corrupt is this world we live in, that we call living. How much longer shall humanity remain unconsciousness and spiritually dunce? How is it that the youths look to the elders for love, trust,answers and protection and then become enslaved by them. How is it possible that the mind of man has become his own destruction? How is anyone able to rest in peace knowing that our children are crying out for MERCY PLEASE! How will 250 princesses expect to truly breath and trust again?
And how devastating and brutally painful it shall be for the devils who have taken our children away! NOT BY FREE WILL BUT BY FORCE....I ask HOW???