Monday, 29 April 2013
What is the purpose of life?
What is the purpose of LIFE? This is without a doubt one of the most frequently asked questions
of all times. I am certain this is a topic of discussion amongst all people
universally. But, is there one answer to this query?
I don’t believe or think there is. How could
there be one definite purpose or reason for life? Life as I know it is pure SPIRIT and it is
without a doubt based on humanity’s perceptions, concepts and ideas and of
course experiences. It is what it is and what it is not! Life is a collection
of our thoughts, feelings, prejudices, habits, fears and tears. To say life has
one divine purpose would be a major contradiction; this would also invade the
free will of mankind. There is tremendous power in this question; for this very
question, causes you to literally STOP and think about what is the purpose of
your existence. Could life simply be an opportunity to relive, who or what we really
are? Perhaps, it is just an experiment, one that reveals the innate love, strength
and determination that’s so neatly woven in our beings. What is the purpose of life?
It is an outlet to examine and master the
human brain, to unravel the emotions we feel so deeply in our hearts. Maybe we
are here to figure out the essence of the MIND
and why it is we FEEL so much. The
purpose of life is, whatever you accept or proclaim it to be. No matter the
reasoning, it is evident in my eyes that; LIFE
On this Earthly plane, I witness timeless
interactions of heaven and hell, yes and no, in and out, front and back, peace
and war, then and now, give and take, be and do, rain and sun, cats and dogs,
love and fear, stagnation and growth, light and darkness, spirituality and
intellect, ebb and flow, realities and illusions, mind control and liberty.
Allow me to share with you, a few interesting answers,
when I asked the question;
What is the purpose of life?
A. To experience it.
B. Find your bloom.
C. Family, real friends and to help each
D. To smoke marijuana and to run up mountains.
E. The purposeful life is to breathe, give,
love and enjoy. Beside this life is eternal so treat the universe right because
you’ll be spending a long time in it. It’s also to create. It is what keeps
mankind moving forward.
G. To make love and bring forth perfect
H. To complete your life in full circle. Treat
everyday as if it’s your last. Love everyone just as you love your brothers and
sisters. Do unto others as you would have them do unto thee.
I. Life is obedient; it’s what you ask of it.
J. It is for LOVE!
K. To experience infinite realities and illusions.[
Mojiba Romanetti
© Copyright 2012.
Sunday, 28 April 2013
A Confident Child
Children are truly amazing! I had an unforgettable encounter with one of my neighbors children on April 17.2013. This little angel is only 7 years young. I was showing her mother some of my artwork by her request and she was so excited!
She grabbed up one of the paintings and declared ownership Her mother looked at her in astonishment and proceeded to ask her if she had any money to buy it. Jonelecia then replied; ” mommy I can save up my lunch money to buy it.” I was marveled! She then looked at me and said, auntie, I will pay you a $1000 JMD for it, I LOVE IT!
I then laughed and said, Jonelecia do you know the value of the painting? She said no, but I will pay you $1000. I told her the cost of the painting was $10,000. Her mouth fell to the floor I then continued and said to her, ” but because of your boldness and enthusiasm, I will let you have the painting for the thousand dollars and you can consider it ALMOST like a belated birthday gift.” She was elated! However I think I was happier than she was. It felt so good to give to her what she wanted…Her mother then asked her if she wanted her to pay for it and she insisted that she wanted to pay for it.
Her feelings to me was far more important than the money. Long live sensitivity, confidence and courage! Confidence will get you to your destination and first class while you’re at it! With confidence there’s nothing you can’t do or have. Thank you beloved princess Jonelecia for the opportunity to share such a divine story. Praises to LOVE!
As parents and as a people, we must reinforce the value of confidence and determination in our children. It is beneficial to all of us to establish a sense of boldness and enthusiasm in our children. The more confident a child is the better she or he will be able to cope successfully in the day to day activity in society. Marcus Garvey says it best; ” With confidence, you have won before you have started.”
Saturday, 27 April 2013
Your speech tickled me
Your smile undressed me
Your tongue teased me
Your eyes sang to me , LA, LA, LA
Your mouth melted me
Your face caressed me
Your mind made love to me
Your thoughts entered me
Your name hugged me
Your nose kissed me
Your voice soothed me
Your skin covered me
Your breath elevated me
Your thighs gripped me
Your scent spilled on me
Your toes fondled me
Your shoulders cuddled me
Your hips grooved me
Your hands seduced me
Your words healed me
NOW TELL ME.......
Your smile undressed me
Your tongue teased me
Your eyes sang to me , LA, LA, LA
Your mouth melted me
Your face caressed me
Your mind made love to me
Your thoughts entered me
Your name hugged me
Your nose kissed me
Your voice soothed me
Your skin covered me
Your breath elevated me
Your thighs gripped me
Your scent spilled on me
Your toes fondled me
Your shoulders cuddled me
Your hips grooved me
Your hands seduced me
Your words healed me
NOW TELL ME.......
Phone Number Exchange: A True Story
I decided to “lighten up,” that day. But before I gave Nic my number, I told him distinctly that all I had to offer him was friendship and nothing else, he smiled and then agreed. The same day I met Nic, in less than an hour, he send me a text message complimenting me about my smile and the Yin and Yang tattoo he saw on my arm. I waited a while before I replied; I then decided to acknowledge him and then I responded. All I said to him was, “give thanks Nic.” The following day, the text marathon began! He wanted to know all that he thought I knew about spirituality. He expressed that he was eccentric and was tired of stooping to people’s level of consciousness. He went on to say that he didn’t know, he would have ever met someone like me.
It didn’t take long for me to realize that Nic was either; very bored, lonely, very friendly, or all the aforementioned. When I had no credit, he would send me credit to ensure that I had credit to text him back. I thought for a few minutes; what a kind soul. The texting conversations were spiritual based and were very interesting. We had no sexual dialogue. He was quite respectful.
Anyway within the first week of meeting Nic, he started making suggestions about wanting to see me. I declined every time he asked. One evening about 21/2 weeks after meeting him; I decided to allow him a visit. I sat with him in my back yard, for I didn’t wish for him to know my house address. I live in a complex. We spoke for about two hours outdoors on a cement bench. When I realized that he started to look extremely comfortable, I decided to cut the visit . I then told him I had to go inside, I repeated this at least three times. I got up and made a move to escort him to the main gate of the complex. I extended my hand to shake his hand but while I was saying farewell; Nic decided to give me a hug instead. This was the first and last time I saw Ric after meeting him at the museum. He became very clingy; the texting started very early in the mornings and late at nights. He claimed to be very intrigued by my spirituality and my beautiful mind. He religiously kept on sending me invitations to “hang out.” But I was genuinely uninterested in seeing Ric on that level and I thought he was very fortunate to have my number. He became a bit much for me. I started ignoring his messages after awhile because became too much for me. Suddenly, Ric got real annoyed one morning, via text of course, and told me that he was tired of texting me and that I didn’t respect him as much as he respected me, he went on to say that it seemed as if he was only good enough for texting. He felt he was wasting his time; because I would not let him into my physical space. I told him I was also married but it appeared as if he became more intrigued by me.
I was amazed by the reasoning ability of this young man, who was only twenty years young; truthfully Ric looked like he was almost forty! We could have been great friends because he too had information about life that I found interesting.
Unfortunately for him I decided to put an end to the texting drama and apparent trauma for him. I told him that I didn’t own him anything and that he was to delete my phone number.
This man obviously had expectations. He lost control of his feelings and got real frustrated. When he realized that I had no desire to hang out with him, his true colors could no longer hide.
Giving your phone number is directly or indirectly inviting that person in your life; whether consciously or unconsciously. If I didn't give him my number, he couldn't text. I took notes along away.
In all situations however there is gold! Therefore,I am strengthened and extremely grateful for this PHONE NUMBER EXCHANGE episode. I was reminded and discovered many things from this encounter.
A. There are endless of lonely and tormented people out there .
B. People think it’s your responsibility to make them “feel good. “
C. People are quick to assume that if they are interested in you, you may also be interested in them. .
D. People who are hurting like to see others hurt. Hence the famous saying; “Misery Loves Company.’
E. When you don’t feed people’s desires or massage their EGOS, they are liable to become resentful, angry or annoyed by you or with you.
F. In all experiences, there is gold.
G. You have the right to say " NO"
H. People are quick to assume, that if they like to talk, you too must like to talk.
I. Listen to your Spirit always and obey it..
J. You own no one your number, especially on a social level
Think Responsibly!
Linked in mind mankind,
Why do we fight? Differences in opinions is the cause.
There's always someone to be blamed for our aches,
but what good does this do?
The destiny of humanity shall rise and fall in accordance to the thinking of all.
We are the expression of consciousness and unconsciousness.
Not being able to control your thinking causes disturbances; in all areas of life, even to people you think you don't know.
Disruption of the Spirit cause all war.Discord never exist when two people agree.
How then can one proclaim to have it all together;
When one is unable to think responsibly?
To not be able to THINK for yourself is what slavery is all about.
If slavery is what you've accepted HOORAY for you...
So then what is reason for existence if you're not really living?
A man without a head is dead and a man with a head who doesn't know how to use it is even is just as dead.
THINK RESPONSIBLY when next you decide to THINK...
Why do we fight? Differences in opinions is the cause.
There's always someone to be blamed for our aches,
but what good does this do?
The destiny of humanity shall rise and fall in accordance to the thinking of all.
We are the expression of consciousness and unconsciousness.
Not being able to control your thinking causes disturbances; in all areas of life, even to people you think you don't know.
Disruption of the Spirit cause all war.Discord never exist when two people agree.
How then can one proclaim to have it all together;
When one is unable to think responsibly?
To not be able to THINK for yourself is what slavery is all about.
If slavery is what you've accepted HOORAY for you...
So then what is reason for existence if you're not really living?
A man without a head is dead and a man with a head who doesn't know how to use it is even is just as dead.
THINK RESPONSIBLY when next you decide to THINK...
No Envy Can Stop Love ( A TRUE STORY)
years ago, Lisa a very dear friend of mine married a popular Japanese
man. They had a perfect baby boy together. Kiamii brought them lots of
joy. She was really excited about having her first child and so was he. Her
mother-in-law however was never fond of her, but her husband initially
treated her very well. Kiamii was born on his grandfather's birthday,
so there was a natural bond between him and his grandparents. However
Lisa's mother-in-law was always very rude to her. For quite sometime
Lisa remained respectful to her and this eternally made her husband's
mother miserable. Of course Mother-in-law dearest couldn't fathom how
and why Lisa was able to be cordial to her though she was so insolent
all the time to Lisa. This caused a huge strain on her marriage and her
husband didn't reassure her at all during this time. It became very
uncomfortable and unbearable for Lisa being married to a man who acted
oblivious to his mother's behavior towards her, his wife, his queen.
One day Lisa found the strength and decided to leave her husband. But
if Lisa knew what was in store for her, she perhaps would have
reconsidered her decision. Kiamii was almost three years young when his
father took him out of school in Jamaica. They were going through the
divorce proceedings when he kidnapped Kiamii; when he realized he
would not get custody of their child, the same day Kiamii was kidnapped
he was taken directly to Japan via Miami... When Lisa contacted the
Jamaican Embassy, they could not do one thing to assist her. Her child
was gone and she felt helpless, how was she going to get her son back
she pondered.
Lisa dug deep and found out that it was the grandmother's idea to kidnap Kiamii and that's how they got him to Japan. Envy and possessiveness caused an innocent child to be taken miles and miles away from his mother. Lisa shared with me openly and told me this; "I knew Kiamii was crying constantly for me and even then Nai would not let him even SPEAK to me, he showed no mercy, no compassion, no sensitivity... Shortly after the kidnapping, I called his lawyer's home because I found out he helped him... I called and got his wife and told her that her family would suffer TEN FOLDS for what me and my son were going through..." Nai's attorney hung himself a few months after. He was found by his children in his office at his home. " Sorry they had to lose their father but I guess his demons didn't allow him anymore time..."
Being very aware of the situation; one day Kiamii only nine years young at the time asked her, " why don't you like my mom grandma?" She replied. "SHE'S BLACK!" And she never said anything to him after that, it was literally the end of that conversation.
Lisa was traumatized and of course devastated about the kidnapping. She felt as if she had literally lost her life. She searched high and low for her son, but was unsuccessful.It was one of the most if not the most challenging of her journey, but the love she had for Kiamii was so strong, it kept her going.The power of prayer and the support of friends and family made all the difference as well.
When Lisa started working as a Traveling Personal Assistant with a Jamaican born celebrity, she got the opportunity and went to Japan, where she searched Nai's home town, Nagoya... They changed the phone number so she could no longer call.Prior to doing that, Lisa would call her son and Nai and his mother would not let her speak to Kiamii. Even when her son heard her talking through the phone; he would start crying and screaming.
While Lisa was in Florida, a year after the abduction, her friend begged her to be civil before calling Nai, because every time she called him she would end up cursing him , because he wouldn't put her son on the phone...Therefore on this particular day before dialing his number, she was begged by her friend to humor him and to tell him whatever he wanted to hear so that she could speak to her son. The conversation surprisingly went well for almost fifty minutes, the conversation was about the broken marriage and his music career. She then decided to ask to speak her son and he then lost it ! He SHOUTED at her and said, " Is that the only reason you called to speak with Kiamii and not me? You would never see Kiamii again!" Lisa's heart of course melted at the harshness of this man. What was she going to do?
Lisa confessed to me a statement I will never forget, she said; "Japanese people are heartless and cold, they are worst than robots. They have acid running through their veins. If you approach a Japanese MAN and tell him this story, I PROMISE you, he'd have a straight face!"
It took six long years for Lisa to find her beloved Kiamii. Her heart was renewed and the nightmare finally came to an end. Her x husband was in tears and was extremely apologetic about all the trauma and drama that transpired . Lisa years later have no regrets that she left him. Her divorce came to close in 2004. He stretched out the process as long as he possibly could, when all Lisa wanted from him was her first born, her prince, beloved Kiamii! Today Lisa and Kiamii have the most glorious relationship a mother and son could ever dream of. They actually look a lot like brother and sister. Love proved itself to be a conqueror as it always does. Love will make you do things and endure the unthinkable and the unbearable. Love is the ultimate power mankind seeks. When in fact there's nothing to seek, for whatever thou art seeketh is already in you. There's no room for envy in the house of divine love. No amount of envy can stop LOVE. Will humanity ever grasp this reality?

Lisa dug deep and found out that it was the grandmother's idea to kidnap Kiamii and that's how they got him to Japan. Envy and possessiveness caused an innocent child to be taken miles and miles away from his mother. Lisa shared with me openly and told me this; "I knew Kiamii was crying constantly for me and even then Nai would not let him even SPEAK to me, he showed no mercy, no compassion, no sensitivity... Shortly after the kidnapping, I called his lawyer's home because I found out he helped him... I called and got his wife and told her that her family would suffer TEN FOLDS for what me and my son were going through..." Nai's attorney hung himself a few months after. He was found by his children in his office at his home. " Sorry they had to lose their father but I guess his demons didn't allow him anymore time..."
Being very aware of the situation; one day Kiamii only nine years young at the time asked her, " why don't you like my mom grandma?" She replied. "SHE'S BLACK!" And she never said anything to him after that, it was literally the end of that conversation.
Lisa was traumatized and of course devastated about the kidnapping. She felt as if she had literally lost her life. She searched high and low for her son, but was unsuccessful.It was one of the most if not the most challenging of her journey, but the love she had for Kiamii was so strong, it kept her going.The power of prayer and the support of friends and family made all the difference as well.
When Lisa started working as a Traveling Personal Assistant with a Jamaican born celebrity, she got the opportunity and went to Japan, where she searched Nai's home town, Nagoya... They changed the phone number so she could no longer call.Prior to doing that, Lisa would call her son and Nai and his mother would not let her speak to Kiamii. Even when her son heard her talking through the phone; he would start crying and screaming.
While Lisa was in Florida, a year after the abduction, her friend begged her to be civil before calling Nai, because every time she called him she would end up cursing him , because he wouldn't put her son on the phone...Therefore on this particular day before dialing his number, she was begged by her friend to humor him and to tell him whatever he wanted to hear so that she could speak to her son. The conversation surprisingly went well for almost fifty minutes, the conversation was about the broken marriage and his music career. She then decided to ask to speak her son and he then lost it ! He SHOUTED at her and said, " Is that the only reason you called to speak with Kiamii and not me? You would never see Kiamii again!" Lisa's heart of course melted at the harshness of this man. What was she going to do?
Lisa confessed to me a statement I will never forget, she said; "Japanese people are heartless and cold, they are worst than robots. They have acid running through their veins. If you approach a Japanese MAN and tell him this story, I PROMISE you, he'd have a straight face!"
It took six long years for Lisa to find her beloved Kiamii. Her heart was renewed and the nightmare finally came to an end. Her x husband was in tears and was extremely apologetic about all the trauma and drama that transpired . Lisa years later have no regrets that she left him. Her divorce came to close in 2004. He stretched out the process as long as he possibly could, when all Lisa wanted from him was her first born, her prince, beloved Kiamii! Today Lisa and Kiamii have the most glorious relationship a mother and son could ever dream of. They actually look a lot like brother and sister. Love proved itself to be a conqueror as it always does. Love will make you do things and endure the unthinkable and the unbearable. Love is the ultimate power mankind seeks. When in fact there's nothing to seek, for whatever thou art seeketh is already in you. There's no room for envy in the house of divine love. No amount of envy can stop LOVE. Will humanity ever grasp this reality?

Let Us
Why do we withhold progress from our-Self?
There’s nothing that can stand in the way of consciousness
Only man’s self created hell-nests, the opinions of BLAH BLAH BLAH....
To breathe is to recognize your being-ness
Infinite lessons learnt, sky high prices paid to grasp righteousness.
The one who doesn’t acknowledge himself as success
Denies his true essence-looking over there, when it's all within.
Arise now death! Dirt is sick of thy insects!
Earth’s womb has no more room for stagnation;
Alien souls bury carnal mess, no jest....
Creators, creatress, where art thou?
Thoughts are the products
Us the producers
Selling cheap thinking;
Memory lapse of divinity’s nature
Sinful humanity’s future
Let’s breathe from the inner skin within
Spiritual balms rids all impurities
There are no issues only inventors of them
Poverty has no power, when rejected. Injection decline!
Thoughts of retarded attributes erased....
Harmless magic deletes plastic smirks,
Lasting fibers of Edo flaunts like miracles above the stars
Kill the EGO! Mojinetti takes a glance at US

Friday, 26 April 2013
Life Romanetti
Let yourself go. Be gone with the
wind only to resurface alive. Live in this timeless plane.
Explore more of thyself. Kiss a tree, hug the Earth, touch a flower. Be at peace.
Existing upon tall walls, this very perfect day. Becoming someone for tomorrow. Preparing for the future in the present tense. Bewildered by spiritual pornography… Chanting! Twinkle ! Twinkle ! gigantic STAR oh yes! I know who you are! It is I you see in the sky morning, noon and night. My inner fright has fled, no longer entertaining the dead. High on the mirrors of divinity. Transparent like Blue Lagoon, pure as Red, Gold and Green mountain peak.
No unwelcome strangers can enter this MIND. This MIND is insured. This MIND is secure,This MIND thinks for itself. This MIND is heaven or hell. Traveling stars above, beneath, below, reaching for thee to recognize more of itself... Sane in the insanity of the Earth. STARS of SELF rebirth.
REAL DOLLS (Artwork by Ricardo Bloomfield)
Dolls of the Earth knows not their soul’s DNA.
Minds owned by terrorist who dictates when they ought to pray.
Meals provided by heads, ones that are legally dead;
Sex toys entertaining for a slice, sometimes a loaf of bread.
Feeding human cat’s bullets and rake, lumps of disaster squirts from their vein
Sex toys entertaining for a slice, sometimes a loaf of bread.
Feeding human cat’s bullets and rake, lumps of disaster squirts from their vein
To do or die is the pain.
Selling sanity just to get paid, then drowning voiceless in transparent graves.
Dolls of the Earth knows not their soul’s DNA
Minds owned by terrorists who dictates when they ought to pray. HALLELUJAH! AMEN !
The cycle of man continues to repeat itself and then blames
Allergic to sunlight, darkness the claim
Allergic to sunlight, darkness the claim
Skins of clay insists on ignoring immortality’s face
Dolls of the Earth, knows not their SOUL’S DNA.
On going, ongoing, ongoing, Jamaica, Africa, America, Canada, Russian RouletteMonitor thy thoughts closely.
Man is treated in accordance to the thoughts he entertains. Mankind then treats others according to how he feels about himself.
Perceptions of Love
“Love is the attempt to form a friendship inspired by beauty”- Marcus Garvey.
It is what the Sunlight is to mankind. Love
makes the weak strong and the strong, stronger. It is Earth Mother and
Sky Father. It is the main ingredient in our Soul’s DNA. Love remains
the same. It needs no motivation, for it only inspires. It is the
signature of authentic laughter and golden blood. It’s an experience
quite often man is unable to verbalize. Love is a turn on to all who
knows its Nature. It is the unspoken bliss. It is nothingness. It is undeniable.. Love IS…
“Love is the cohesive force that binds all
events to make life more purposeful for man to keep on living”. Count
Ossie & the Mystic Revelation of Rastafari.
Search Thy Soul
Attempting to control people’s way of thinking is a
ridiculous joke. Even when it may appear as if you’re succeeding, it
won’t be too long before you realize the truth. It is in vain!
Soaked in radiance originality in beauty’s magnetism, french thyme, coconut pies…
Wrapped in ITALY. Sutra Karma, graceful mirrors hums into June plum’s arms;
Loving tears knows not diddly about fears…allergic to bull shit tongues !
Jubilation, honesty’s purification, cloud people cheers on the stars.
Enigmatic mystical exhibition, flowers of reflections, playful unrehearsed smiles; just like moist petals. Sigh…
Jovial zodiac signs, numbers and wonders; no masks to hide behind
Unorthodox crystal mindedness, shimmering rhymes, quotes, verses, verbal orgies @ Akette Fundeh
The High Most glitters in the heart of the soul , awaken in yogi's dreamland,
I in thee…
Mercy rolls, salvation prevails, order takes place, passion accomplishes what’s not yet thought of…
Darkness dies forever and ever and ever as human pets surrender
Justice inhales more of itself. There is nothing to report…No one present!
Truth, wisdom, divine love leads passages to untold righteousness.
All Judas' forgiven ! What a ting !
Doves in emerald, crochet silk, sheer, beaded wings…
Sing ! Sing ! Sing !
You cannot have what you don’t believe in. Confidence will take you anywhere you want to go, first class if you request it.
Know thy power in love.
True internal love is the most PROFOUND reality and dream mankind will ever experience.
Products of our minds we are.
The beauty of reality is that anything or anyone can be beauty full, if you think it so; then SO BE IT.
You CAN’T hide from it,
You CAN’T run away from it,
You CAN’T resist it,
You CAN’T wipe it off,
You CAN’T wash it off,
You CAN’T kill it, you can't chase it!
You CAN’T manipulate it,
You CAN’T deny; it’s within, without…
You CAN’T compete with it..You can starve without it!
It’s for the weak and for the strong…
It knows no boundaries,knows no challenge.
Life depends on it.
Any attempt to control it will leave you bewildered for a lifetime and beyond..
Just when you think you got it all together; you realize that living is just about
to begin, again and again...
Cycles within cycles resurfaces to the shore of now
Music when there’s none, touch when there's none
Pulse when numb; H20 when there’s none
Zeal when there’s none
Voice when there’s none
Integrity when there’s none
Sanity when there’s none
It’s the one in all
What am I ?
You cannot control me…I am the melodious rhythm when there's none…
To live without me is to merely, barely exist.
To exist with me is to be out of this world; out of thy mind…
A committed companion when there’s none;
Wisdom when there's none
A Life Changing Lover when there’s none.
An unconditional giver of SELF; it knows, there’s always something to give….
Pure oxygen when there's none….
What am I ? Or even better, WHO AM I?
Joy fits in anywhere, anytime, anyhow. Live Light Humanity!
Weight in man's heart does him no favor.
Think cheerful thoughts.
If you think something is wrong with you then so be it and if you think all is well with you then so be it.
I AM here to bask in light’s energy
I AM here to laugh away insanity and anger
I AM here to lament and cheer
I AM here to be all that I crave
I AM here to dine with the phoenix
I AM here to manifest reality's truth
I AM here to elevate minds that are wide shut
I AM here to commune with Ajala
I AM here because I asked
I AM here to think and feel all emotions
I AM here to seduce ME
I AM here to witness hell
I AM here to ring divine bells
I AM here to water the Sunlight
I AM here to experience all that I am NOT
I AM here to be ONE IN MANY
I AM here to be Many in One

I AM here to laugh away insanity and anger
I AM here to lament and cheer
I AM here to be all that I crave
I AM here to dine with the phoenix
I AM here to manifest reality's truth
I AM here to elevate minds that are wide shut
I AM here to commune with Ajala
I AM here because I asked
I AM here to think and feel all emotions
I AM here to seduce ME
I AM here to witness hell
I AM here to ring divine bells
I AM here to water the Sunlight
I AM here to experience all that I am NOT
I AM here to be ONE IN MANY
I AM here to be Many in One

Speak less, think less and discover the HIGHER S-ELF. Talking is a universal habit, humans are addicted to sounds,words, chatter, just like we are with eating. How many could survive without sound, food and money? Learn something new about yourself every day. It will serve you more than you can imagine.
Life Romanetti
Greetings to the world of never ending desires…How art thou today humanity? Radiating LIGHT to all…
Give thanks and Praise!
Writing is a girl’s best friend! OH! And boys too :) CHEERS! To hands, fingers, paper and DIVINE INK!
Free Spirit
I AM free from the agony of chaos, doubt,ignorance and illusion…I am perfect life, no different to Nature and all the golden dirt that surrounds us. I am the LOVE that made ME…I am infinitely me I am free, to think for myself with no interference from the outer world. I am confident in my mind, soul and heart that LOVE is the ruling power in all man. If it wasn’t for love life would be senseless.
Often times you want to SCREAM, when rowing boats up the stream
But what’s existence without beliefs?
Brothers and Sisters row the boats to your dreams…
Life on the inside is the real deal
Thy truest essence pleads for sanity
silence is where you’ll find truth
luxury thou art; deception the curse
BUN UP all hurse ; stop polluting earth, release the hurt….
Love need not thirst,
Stop making thyself ill
swallowing death name brand pills.
starving for tranquil
another day arrives yet many are fretting over how to pay the next bill.
plotting who next to kill ; feeling ever so unfulfilled. No smiles, no thrills
No more tumbling down the hill
Now is the time humanity
And I Can Be
And I can BE
I can be multiple faces that never bleed
And I can contact King Alpha, Count Ossie,Marcus Garvey,Selassie I & Queen Omega’s team
I can be a scientific virgin
And I can be deep as Earth
I can float where there’s no water
And I can take you inside galaxies spleen
I can be voices of chimes where exists only sublime
And I can be spirituality when flesh divorces duality
I can bathe souls in my absence
And I can be androgynous,Uranus,Pluto,or Venus
I can be be as poetical as the atmosphere
And YOU can now end this if you know how
Or go forward where, And I can be all started.
Mind-war, man’s mentality, a lack of self-development, spiritual wisdom
All conflict begins in the mind…..
Your thoughts, your feelings,constant wanting, your needing, greed, lack of gratitude, distrust..
It’s the very words that comes off of your tongue, out into the Universe…
Relationships with self, relationship with love, relationship with fear, relationship with Nature,relationship with forgiveness, relationship with judgement, relationship with money, relationship with sex, relationship with music, relationship with each other,..There’s no love in the mind of war.
Learn to be still humanity. Nothing is ever lost; “FIND YOU INSIDE”
Allow light to take you through doors of solutions.
Learn to do nothing that keeps you from living…
Mind-war, man’s mentality; a lack of Self knowledge,Spiritual wisdom
It’s our beliefs,conceptions,perceptions,addictions-
Embrace the Soundless Sound, then ASK THYSELF;
Who am I? Why am I? Where am I? What am I?
What do I have to GIVE? What do I give to life?
Nurture thy soulz with purity, surrender all, grip nothing too tightly.
Contentment is what mankind seeks, this is established when self love is present.
Let go, let go, let go and just BE or be not. …
Live your best life every day!
Sipping light through the SUN”S iris
Sky rise on membrane’s axis
Wishing nothing, thinking nothing, doing nothing, feeling nothing
BEING BEING BEING Life long dreams, universal streams, Nature’s peace
Rhythms prance, slow motions glisten, branches whistle
Wishing nothing,thinking nothing. doing nothing, feeling nothing
Enchantress, Count Ossie’s Akette Fundeh poetess,
Constance regal priestess, humility’s hostess, tranquility’s gracefulness
Sipping LIGHT through the SUN”S iris
Sky rise on membrane’s axis
Wishing nothing, thinking nothing,doing nothing, feeling nothing
Mystic Gorilla’s Goddess, The Almighty’s actress, love’s blessedness..
At ease in Nothingness…

Sky rise on membrane’s axis
Wishing nothing, thinking nothing, doing nothing, feeling nothing
BEING BEING BEING Life long dreams, universal streams, Nature’s peace
Rhythms prance, slow motions glisten, branches whistle
Wishing nothing,thinking nothing. doing nothing, feeling nothing
Enchantress, Count Ossie’s Akette Fundeh poetess,
Constance regal priestess, humility’s hostess, tranquility’s gracefulness
Sipping LIGHT through the SUN”S iris
Sky rise on membrane’s axis
Wishing nothing, thinking nothing,doing nothing, feeling nothing
Mystic Gorilla’s Goddess, The Almighty’s actress, love’s blessedness..
At ease in Nothingness…

Slipping in a dream
Awaken in a sleep
Slipping in a daze
Existing no maze
Slipping from the clouds
singing no sound
Slipping from lilac gloves
Stroking toy doves
Slipping behind the rain
Caressing loving veins
Hearing no toto train…
Slipping into poetical spasms
Appears spiritual orgasms
Slipping along infinity’s belt
The land where nothing is felt…
Jamaica sweet,wood & water…
Slipping slipping slipping
Letting go…..
Never touching ground.
The barrage of temptations and distractions are constant in today’s society. It is daily, hourly,every minute,every second. Will it end? It’s everywhere you go; the cell phones, T.V., radio, magazines, billboards, newspaper, on line, off line. What kind of life are we living? Are we really living? Do we think for ourselves anymore? Do we remember how to FEEL, how to BE?
The simplicity of existence seems to be forgotten by the majority. Is mankind living in a graveyard? Material things are necessary, but don’t get it twisted and allow it to consume and dominate you. Where is the balance in today’s society? Yin and Yang are you alive?
The consciousness of man is clearly robotic. Man is as programmed as the T.V. It is evident here on planet Earth that humanity gives more power, more attention, more respect and more love to things; than they do to self, animals, nature and to each other.
We become so addicted to things, things we don’t need or things we are unable to afford. Many steal to get what they desire. The mentality is as such: ” If I don’t get it, I’ll perhaps kill for it, lie for it or even die for it.”
Desperation and greed has captured the minds of mankind. It’s imperative for us to connect with the inner realms of the Soul.
Ajala-Mother Earth and Father sky provides our natural nutrients, all that we need is at our disposal. I look forward to the moment when all of humanity will find their way home, to the divine womb of LIGHT. Beloved ones be not fooled by the endless stream of material things that floods our world. The mind can take you far away to the place of discontent and emptiness. It’s never about quantity, it’s about quality of living that makes all the difference. All the things acquired cannot give you love or keep you alive. In fact clutter clogs the flow of our goodness. Space is a requirement in order for newness to manifest. Be vigilant, be present and always remember to breathe. Ahhhhhhhhhhh
Brothers and Sister let us keep life alive! It’s never too late to wake up to the essence of NOW! The gloriousness of our breath is a mighty gift, recognize the power of breathing and the beauty of LOVE. Please know what life is for.
Mojiba Romanetti
(C) Copyright. All Rights Reserved. 2013.
How We Affect The Children
We impose our emotions on our children more than we could ever imagine. As a mother of three children and endless nieces and nephews, I have been inspired to do extensive research about the "Nature of Children". In my discovery I have come to the realization that it is a lack of understanding as to who the children are on the INSIDE, not who we think them to be, that keeps them and the "so called" adults in constant turmoil. Most often we impose our feelings, opinions and beliefs down their throats, and we are blinded to the fact that most of the times they are unable to swallow and digest what we are pushing on them., Our impatience or ignorance then destroys their being. When we can recognize their needs, we will become more caring, loving, compassionate and empathetic towards them. Most people are oblivious that "thought is energy" and that thoughts travel rapidly. Children are exceptionally sensitive to energy. They are literally like sponges, therefore the environment has a massive impact regarding their upbringing. We may think we are doing a good job in hiding our thoughts, moods or feelings but that is "wishful thinking." The youths are being bruised, cursed,abused and even killed because "so called" adults have no parenting skills or education. Most children are have no voice in their households or in the schools, they are taught to be seen and not heard, listen and don't back chat, hold back their tears,told to shut up when they want to speak, punished for telling the truth or being themselves, they are constantly being taught that they must not think for themselves and the list goes on. The facts about children are as follows: They need space to be, they treasure friendships and activity time, they never hold grudges which makes them very forgiving, they are responsive to love, they are eager to learn, they love nature, they love family time, they are influenced more by what they see than what they hear and they know more than they are able to express. Allow your children to nurture you as well, they full joy taking care of their parents. And remember to say daily, " I LOVE YOU!"
Here is a list of proven ingredients on how to raise balanced and blissful children:
a. Doses of Genuine Love ( attention, hugs,kisses, fun,quality time together)
b. Infinite Sharing and Giving
c. Jugs of laughter & Confidence
d. Gratitude/& Consideration
e. Open up their minds & curiosity
f. Frequent Reading time
g. Mugs of Tolerance
h. Baskets of Self Reliance
i. Tablespoons of Trust & Courage
j. Cleanliness, Order & Discipline
k. Self love & Creative Development
l. Prayer & Meditation
m. Respect & Honesty
n. Space to BE ( private time)
0. Healthy Foods
p. Emotional Intelligence
Here is a list of proven ingredients on how to raise balanced and blissful children:
a. Doses of Genuine Love ( attention, hugs,kisses, fun,quality time together)
b. Infinite Sharing and Giving
c. Jugs of laughter & Confidence
d. Gratitude/& Consideration
e. Open up their minds & curiosity
f. Frequent Reading time
g. Mugs of Tolerance
h. Baskets of Self Reliance
i. Tablespoons of Trust & Courage
j. Cleanliness, Order & Discipline
k. Self love & Creative Development
l. Prayer & Meditation
m. Respect & Honesty
n. Space to BE ( private time)
0. Healthy Foods
p. Emotional Intelligence
Value of Marriage
I use to think marriage was just for people who were in love. But it goes way beyond that. Marriage is about undressing each other from the inside out. I have grown to prove that marriage is a lifetime commitment. It is a full time adventure. Marriage is one of the most challenging relationships a man and a woman could possibly share. It can be a bed of roses or a bed of thorns. It requires a tremendous amount of attention, allowing, appreciation, acceptance, honesty, trust, patience, maturity, tolerance and selflessness. It makes you real tough or really very humble. When you truly love someone, you are willing to put aside your feelings to make them more comfortable, you are not quick to throw the relationship away. when you truly love someone you want to work it out. When truly love someone you will do almost anything for the person. When you truly love someone you love them even when they're selfish and mean. When you truly love someone, you're unable to imagine your life without the person. When you truly love someone, you're willing to give up aspects of yourself you once owned. When you truly love someone there is nothing they can do to you for you to stop loving them. The love is constant and it cannot be ignored or altered. when you truly love someone, there is no mountain too high you can't get over together. But how many of us can really give up the attitude of always wanting things to " GO OUR WAY?" It is evident that we have different minds, therefore humans will always live different lives. The essence of marriage is different for many. Some people get married for financial reasons, some get married by no choice of their own, some get married because of pregnancies, some get married because they like the idea of it, some get married because they want to have children, some get married because they believe they have to in order to indulge their sexual appetites. some get married because they are afraid of being alone, some get married because they are truly in love! Many get married just for the heck of it or simply because they can.
I would not advice anyone to get married unless you have accomplished foremost self love; it's unwise to get married if you have no love of self and lack integrity, then marriage may not be a wise option for you.. Honoring your commitment is extremely vital . When there's no trust, there will be constant war; which leaves the commitment no choice but to vanish. When communication shuts down, that also is a killer. But more than anything else, it is a lack of self-love that is the biggest poison in any relationship. A marriage is no different to having children. It is a process. A relationship is not something you can rush or force to grow. it's no different to planting seeds. Humans need to take sometime to get acquainted with each other, not only physically but in all areas of the individual's life, particularly the inner being. We are too quick to judge people by face value, verbal chatter, status in society, or pocket value. Instead, if we proceed slowly, lovingly, respectfully and consciously with motives that are genuine and pure we will then set a firm platform for awesome, wholesome and the possibility of eternal divine relations. When we accept each other as ONE, only then we will be able to exist in utmost grace and harmony. But the moment we begin to see each other as separate, hell then breaks loose! This hell spreads like wild fire and destroys the very foundation we set out to build. Without love's presence living would be an illusion. The more you love yourself, the richer your existence. Invest in self-love and witness perfection of the heart and soul. Only the power of love can make lasting and meaningful change on the earthly plane . Our ultimate growth stems from self love, change and self development.. And an extension of that love shared with others makes it even more delightful. Observe the personalities of Nature and strive to emulate IT You will witness a renewal in your mind, heart and soul, like never before. Be gentle with yourself and each other. Let us remember always that we are like "forever little children," always learning, unlearning or re-learning. Be reassured that whatever your pain or whatever you fear, know that love will see you through, TRUST YOURSELF! It makes living together healthier and more blissful. Love like never before, exist like never before. I am ever so thankful for the breath of love. It is my saving grace. Love leads the way ALWAYS!
Peace, Wisdom & Love!
Mojiba Romanetti
(C) Copyright.All Rights Reserved. 2013.
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