Friday 26 April 2013

How We Affect The Children

We impose our emotions on our children more than we could ever imagine.  As a mother of three children and endless nieces and nephews, I have been inspired to do extensive research about the "Nature of Children".  In my discovery I have come to the realization that it is a lack of understanding as to who the children are on the INSIDE, not who we think them to be, that keeps them and the "so called" adults in constant turmoil.  Most often we impose our  feelings, opinions and beliefs down their throats, and we are blinded to the fact that most of the times they are unable to swallow and digest what we are pushing on them., Our impatience or ignorance then destroys their being.  When we can recognize their needs, we will become more caring, loving, compassionate and empathetic towards them.  Most people are oblivious that "thought is energy" and that thoughts travel rapidly. Children are exceptionally sensitive to energy. They are literally like sponges, therefore the environment has a massive impact regarding their upbringing. We may think we are doing a good job in hiding our thoughts, moods or feelings but that is "wishful thinking." The youths are being bruised, cursed,abused and even killed because "so called" adults have no parenting skills or education.  Most children are have no voice in their households or in the schools, they are taught to be seen and not heard, listen and don't back chat, hold back their tears,told to shut up when they want to speak, punished for telling the truth or being themselves, they are constantly being taught that they must not think for themselves and the list goes on. The facts about children are as follows: They need space to be, they treasure friendships and activity time, they never hold grudges which makes them very forgiving, they are responsive to love, they are eager to learn, they love nature, they love family time, they are influenced more by what they see than what they hear and they know more than they are able to express. Allow your children to nurture you as well, they full joy taking care of their parents. And remember to say daily, " I LOVE YOU!"

Here is a list of proven ingredients on how to raise balanced and blissful children:

a. Doses of Genuine Love ( attention, hugs,kisses, fun,quality time together)
b. Infinite Sharing and Giving
c. Jugs of laughter & Confidence
d. Gratitude/& Consideration  
e. Open up their minds & curiosity
f. Frequent Reading time
g. Mugs of Tolerance
h. Baskets of Self Reliance
i. Tablespoons of Trust & Courage
j. Cleanliness, Order  & Discipline
k. Self love & Creative Development
l. Prayer & Meditation
m. Respect & Honesty
n. Space to BE ( private time)
0. Healthy Foods
p. Emotional Intelligence

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