Friday 26 April 2013

Value of Marriage

 I use to think marriage was just for people who were in love. But it  goes way beyond that. Marriage is about undressing each other from the inside out.  I have grown to prove that marriage is a lifetime commitment.  It is a full time adventure.  Marriage is one of the most challenging relationships a man and a woman could possibly share.  It can be a bed of roses or a bed of thorns. It requires a tremendous amount of attention, allowing, appreciation, acceptance, honesty, trust, patience, maturity, tolerance and selflessness. It makes you real tough or really very humble. When you truly love someone, you are willing to put aside your feelings to make them more comfortable, you are not quick to throw the relationship away. when you truly love someone you want to work it out. When truly love someone you will do almost anything for the person.  When you truly love someone you love them even when they're selfish and mean. When you truly love someone, you're unable to imagine your life without the person.  When you truly love someone, you're willing to give up aspects of yourself you once owned. When you truly love someone there is nothing they can do to you for you to stop loving them. The love is constant and it cannot be ignored or altered.  when you truly love someone, there is no mountain too high you can't get over together.  But how many of us can really give up the attitude of always wanting things to " GO OUR WAY?" It is evident that we have different minds, therefore humans will always live different lives.  The essence of marriage is different for many. Some people get married for financial reasons, some get married by no choice of their own, some get married because of pregnancies, some get married because they like the idea of it, some get married because they want to have children, some get married because they believe they have to in order to indulge their sexual appetites. some get married because they are afraid of being alone, some get married because they are truly in love! Many get married just for the heck of it or simply because they can.
I would not advice anyone to get married unless you have accomplished foremost self love; it's unwise to get married if you have no love of self  and  lack integrity, then marriage may not be a wise option for you.. Honoring your commitment is extremely vital .  When there's no trust, there will be constant war; which leaves the commitment no choice but to vanish. When communication  shuts down, that also is a killer. But more than anything else,  it is a lack of self-love that is the biggest poison in any relationship. A marriage is no different to having children. It is a process.  A relationship is not something you can rush or force to grow. it's no different to planting seeds.   Humans need to take sometime to get acquainted with each other,  not only physically but in all areas of the individual's life, particularly  the inner being.  We are too quick to judge  people by face value, verbal chatter,  status in society, or pocket value.  Instead, if we proceed slowly, lovingly, respectfully and consciously with motives that are genuine and pure we will then set a firm platform for awesome, wholesome and the possibility of eternal  divine relations.  When we accept each other as ONE, only then we will be able to exist in  utmost grace and harmony.  But the moment we begin to see each other as separate, hell then breaks loose! This hell spreads like wild fire and destroys the very foundation we set out to build.  Without love's presence living would be an illusion. The more you love yourself, the richer your existence.  Invest in self-love and witness perfection of the heart and soul.  Only the power of love can make lasting and meaningful change on the earthly plane . Our ultimate growth stems from self love, change and self development.. And an  extension of that love shared with others makes it even more delightful.  Observe the personalities of Nature and strive to emulate IT   You will witness a renewal in your mind, heart and soul, like never before.  Be gentle with yourself and each other.  Let us remember always that we are like "forever little children," always learning, unlearning or re-learning.  Be reassured that whatever your pain or whatever you fear, know that love will see you through, TRUST  YOURSELF! It makes living together  healthier and more blissful.  Love like never before, exist like never before. I am ever so thankful for the breath of love.  It is my saving grace.  Love leads the way ALWAYS!

Peace, Wisdom & Love!

Mojiba Romanetti

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