Saturday 27 April 2013

Phone Number Exchange: A True Story

I met a young man at the Bob Marley Museum on Hope Road, recently in October 2012.  When Nic asked me for my number, I was reluctant at first.  Giving my number to strangers is not really my style especially to people I am unfamiliar with.
I decided to “lighten up,”  that day.  But before I gave Nic my number, I told him distinctly that all I had to offer him was friendship and nothing else, he smiled and then agreed. The same day I met Nic, in less than an hour, he send me a text message complimenting me about my smile and the Yin and Yang tattoo he saw on my arm. I waited a while before I replied; I then decided to acknowledge him and then I responded. All I said to him was, “give thanks Nic.” The following day, the text marathon began! He wanted to know all that he thought I knew about spirituality.  He expressed that he was eccentric and was tired of stooping to people’s level of consciousness.  He went on to say that he didn’t know,  he would have ever met someone like me.
It didn’t take long for me to realize that Nic was either; very bored, lonely, very friendly, or all the aforementioned. When I had no credit, he would send me credit to ensure that I had credit to text him back. I thought for a few minutes; what a kind soul. The texting conversations were spiritual based and were very interesting. We had no sexual dialogue. He was quite respectful.
Anyway within the first week of meeting Nic, he started making suggestions about wanting to see me. I declined every time he asked. One evening about 21/2 weeks after meeting him; I decided to allow him a visit. I sat with him in my back yard, for I didn’t wish for him to know my house address. I live in a complex. We spoke for about two hours outdoors on a cement bench.  When I realized that he started to look extremely comfortable, I decided to cut the visit .  I then told him I had to go inside, I repeated this at least three times.  I got up and made a move to escort him to the main gate of the complex.  I extended my hand to shake his hand but while I was saying farewell; Nic decided to give me a hug instead.  This was the first and last time I saw Ric after meeting him at the museum. He became very clingy; the texting started very early in the mornings and late at nights. He claimed to be very intrigued by my spirituality and my beautiful mind. He religiously kept on sending me invitations to “hang out.” But I was genuinely uninterested in seeing Ric on that level and I thought he was very fortunate to have my number. He became a bit much for me.  I started ignoring his messages after awhile because became too much for me. Suddenly, Ric got real annoyed one morning, via text of course, and told me that he was tired of texting me and that I didn’t respect him as much as he respected me, he went on to say that it seemed as if he was only good enough for texting.  He felt he was wasting his time; because I would not let him into my physical space. I told him I was also married but it appeared as if he became more intrigued by me.
I was amazed by the reasoning ability of this young man, who was only twenty years young; truthfully Ric looked like he was almost forty! We could have been great friends because he too had information about life that I found interesting.
Unfortunately for him I decided to put an end to the texting drama and apparent trauma for him.  I told him that I didn’t own him anything and that he was to delete my phone number.
This man obviously had expectations.  He lost control of his feelings and got real frustrated.  When he realized that I had no desire to hang out with him, his true colors could no longer hide.
Giving your phone number is directly or indirectly inviting that person in your life; whether consciously or unconsciously. If I didn't give him my number, he couldn't text. I took notes along away.
In all situations however there is gold! Therefore,I am strengthened and extremely grateful for this PHONE NUMBER EXCHANGE episode.  I was reminded and discovered many things from this encounter.


A.  There are endless of lonely and tormented people out there . 
B.  People think it’s your responsibility to make them “feel good. “  
C.  People are quick to assume that if they are interested in you, you may also be interested in them. . 
D.  People who are hurting like to see others hurt.  Hence the famous saying; “Misery Loves Company.’
E. When you don’t feed people’s desires or massage their EGOS, they are liable to become resentful, angry or annoyed by you or with you.
F.  In all experiences, there is gold.
G.  You have the right to say " NO"
H.  People are quick to assume, that if they like to talk, you too must like to talk.
I.  Listen to  your Spirit always and obey it..
J.  You own no one your number, especially on a social level

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