Friday 26 April 2013

REAL DOLLS (Artwork by Ricardo Bloomfield)

Dolls of the Earth knows not their soul’s DNA.
Minds owned by terrorist who dictates when they ought to pray.
Meals provided by heads, ones that are legally dead;
Sex toys entertaining for a slice, sometimes a loaf of bread.
Feeding human cat’s bullets and rake, lumps of disaster squirts from their vein 
To do or die is the pain.
Selling sanity just to get paid, then drowning voiceless in transparent graves.
Dolls of the Earth knows not their soul’s DNA
Minds owned by terrorists who dictates when they ought to pray. HALLELUJAH! AMEN !
The cycle of man continues to repeat itself and then blames
Allergic to sunlight, darkness the claim
Skins of clay insists on ignoring immortality’s face
Dolls of the Earth, knows not their SOUL’S DNA.
On going, ongoing, ongoing, Jamaica, Africa, America, Canada, Russian Roulette

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