Monday, 13 May 2013

Be Exact

Be specific when you pray for something or someone. When you are not clear about what you're inviting in your world, anything will come. It is imperative to know exactly what you desire.  I know someone who prayed for a man of God.  She was only concern with God being the center of his life.  She met him while at church and is convinced that he is who God sent her way. Almost three years later she finds herself in turmoil because of his constant accusations, emotional tantrums and his deep insecurities.  Her daughter is a young adult and he seems to be more concerned about her life than hers.  He is always upset about something and blames her for not understanding him and for not listening.  She married this man and told no one about it. She thought she would grow to love him with God's intervention. This approach I found to be quite unique; because usually people get involved being at the very least attracted to the person.. She is now realizing that this man is not worthy of her.  However she has decided that she's not going to end the marriage and believes that if it's God's will he will leave her. When I asked her what it is she likes about this man, she was only able to tell me this: " I like that he's a man of God," I then said, "what else do you like about him?" She then replied; "nothing else that's it." I smiled and said, " that's very interesting." Her daughter appeared very disgusted by this man and kept on repeating how horrible he was.  My friend didn't deny any of her daughter's remarks...Although I have never met this gentleman, I understand what he's going through. He has owned his traumas and as a result is very distrustful and has not or perhaps he doesn't know how to let go of his disastrous past relationships. It's a typical scenario where we bring baggage over into our relations and then point fingers at our mates. What I know for sure is that the basis of a strong union is depended on LOVE, TRUST, HONESTY, COMMITMENT,ACCEPTING, ALLOWING, APPRECIATION and EMPATHY.  When asking for a lifetime partner it's wise to know exactly what you are asking for. I told her that she didn't decide on the quality man she wanted , she was only concerned with him loving God; I also told her that loving God doesn't mean you have no issues or that your personality is flawless. she agreed that she could have been more specific. What will be the outcome? I guess only God knows. But what I do know is that I wish for them both rapid healing. Proceed with caution when praying.

                                   Peace, Wisdom & Love!

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