Wednesday 1 May 2013

EFIL Out Of Many Soulz; One Almighty Spirit

Everyone has a spirit guide. The earthly plane is by no means separate from the spirit world.  More value is given to the visible reality, than to the unseen realm. Why is this humanity? Many have lost touch with the essence of their being.  Why is this humanity? The biggest sin here on earth is the idea of  " what you see is all there is."  If we take some time and really look deep inside ourselves; our memory will be activated.  We would remember being inside the womb of our mothers, possessing pure life, yet unseen in the outer world.  The process of being impregnated with life is proof enough to confirm the reality and power of the SPIRIT WORLD.  Likewise the Sun and all of Nature.  The Sun is oftentimes not visible to the naked eye, but it is shining, the wind can't be seen but it is felt, the birds can be heard and not seen; plants, flowers, trees are not always visible yet they too possess the ultimate life force.  We are totally depended on the soil and the sky, this is where all our nourishment springs from.  There is indescribable beauty within everyone.  The inner bliss is the forgotten luxury of existence.  Will humans ever cease living back to front?  Yes they will, but only under one condition, this will occur when they RECALL their origin.  Mirrors of the Most High, man IS.  Infinite songs, colors, thoughts, textures, shapes, sizes, scents, feelings,words, accessible to all; from the One.


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