Saturday 4 May 2013


What is the meaning of Oneness?

1. the state or quality of being one; singleness

2  the state of being united; agreement
3. uniqueness
4. sameness
5. Unity of thought, feeling, aim, harmony; concord
6. identicalness
7. indistinguishability
 8. The fact or state of being unified or whole, though composed of two or more parts.

Oneness is the essence of mankind.  And though we are ONE; there's one thing that separates us.. This thing that keeps humans enslaved are thoughts. Thoughts make all the difference. It is the thinking from the one mind that is the culprit.  It is the memory that keeps man bound.. All that is created stems from an idea.  All that is seen is a reflection of who you are, who you were, who you will be.  the choice is yours.  Infinite view points we are.  Truth is in all things, it's all around us; the Oneself.  Life is a dream of dreams. WHO AM I? I am One Person.  I am the limitless edition of NOW. One of us here. Search yourself!

                                                      ONE DIVINE HEART.

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